Student Privacy Act 677 - Calcasieu Parish School Board (2024)

In compliance with Louisiana Act 677, Calcasieu Parish School Board will provide information relative to active district contracts and data elements associated with each application. The documents listed are the current approved applications utilized by the district/schools with student information.The Calcasieu Parish School Boardis authorizedto share this information throughTitle 28; Bulletin 741; §2303 D-E and FERPA.

See below for the Calcasieu Parish School Board’s data-sharing agreements as directed in Act No. 677.

Individuals with complaints involving the sharing of student personally identifiable information (PII) or questions regarding any of the contracts listed below, should contact Wilfred Bourne Please include reference to the exact contract or issue within the subject line.





Date Signed

3P Learning, Inc./ Blake eLearning


Math tutoring and RTIFirst name and classAddendum 2/28/2020Achieve3000 (R.D. Molo Middle School, Washington Marion High School)Achieve3000 is a digital leader in differentiated instruction. The program serves as a tool to increase Lexile gains in students. It is also utilized for RTI Time and Blending Learning.First and Last Name, Student ID Number, Grade Level, Gender, Ethnicity, ELL Status, SPED Status Addendum 8/4/2015Agile Mind (Molo Middle) Agile Mind is used as a supplement to the math curriculum to help grasp key concepts.Full Name, Grade Level, Birthdate, Student ID, School, Teacher Name, Subject Name and Time



Amira Learning

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Online Learning Tool-used in RTI to remediate and accelerate learning.Student Name & ID number


Amplify Education Inc. Amplify provides web-based assessment and curriculum tools used for literacy assessments and Response to Intervention time.Full Name. Gender, Grade, Enrollment,Date of Birth, Ethnicity, Language Proficiency, School Enrollment, Class Schedule, Special Education Information, Email Address. Free/Reduced Lunch Status, Attendance Addendum 4/29/20Applied Educational SystemsUsed by 6th, 7th, and 8th grade for computer enrichmentStudent Name and emailAddendumAVANT AssessmentAvant is a computer based, multiple language proficiency assessment.First Name, Last Name, Student ID, BirthdateAddendum 3/12/2018

Ballard & Tighe, Publishers

Champion of IDEAS

EL products to be used in conjunction with curriculumStudent name, emailAddendum 3/3/23



Math RTI- Teaching Math & Computer Science with robots.

Student's first & last name,




Electronic monitoring device for at risk verbiage

Student name & email

Addendum 4/25/2023BarracudaEmail protection for Office 365 Technology Dept.Email



B.E. Publishing (EduTyping) (Oak Park Middle School)EduTypingis a web-based software for teaching keyboarding to students.Full Name, Email, Student ID, Classification



Benchmark Edu Company LLCDigit component of the Spanish Language Arts curriculum for Immersion classesStudent name, email, LASID



Big Ideas LearningHomework Help, Tracking Student Progress, Supplemental MaterialsFirst Name, Last Name, Student ID



Blackboard Mobile The Blackboard Mobile Learn application gives students and faculty access to their courses, content,Full Name, Student ID Number, Grade Level, School Enrollment, Class Name, Grades, Student Schedule Addendum 8/14/2015Blake eLearning (Math Seeds)

(R.W. Vincent Elementary)

Math Seeds offers web-based programs used to supplement elementary math instructionFull Name, Grade Addendum 10/10/2015Breakout EDUThis program will be used to enhance lessons across all subject areas.Students first name and last initialAddendum 12/4/2019Bullfrog Communications, Inc.Murder at Old Fieldsis an online Forensic Science Lab Activity for middle school classrooms.Full Name, Email (optional) Addendum 9/11/2015Bullseye, LLCSnapshot evaluation software for teacher evaluations.Full name, email address, school name, grade, subjectAddendum 7/5/2019Calcasieu Parish Public Library

To provide access to eBooks.

Student name and ID numberAddendum 10/10/2020

C.A.P. , Inc.


Accounting software for CPSB

Computer generated receipts, deposit information, journal adjustments, reconciliation, PO's, partial name of StudentAddendum 5/10/2023Career Compass of Louisiana (LaGrange High School)Provides support and guidance to students on varying pathways to the workforce.Student schedule, testing data, transcript information, grades, basic registration demographics.Addendum 1/14/2019CCI Learning Solutions CCI Learning provides access through print materials and online resources to Microsoft Office learning tools.Full Name,Grade,Student ID,Gender,Ethnicity,Special Services,Special Conditions
English Proficiency,Economic Status,Email,Classroom Name,Class Grade Addendum 9/14/2015 Cengage Learning (Advanced Studies)Cengage Learning offers interactive teaching and learning using supplemental text and assessments.Full Name, Email Address



Cengage Learning, Inc. (Washington-Marion High School, Career and Technical Edu.)Cengage Learning offers web-based test-taking tips, diagnostic tests, review, and practice exams with answers and detailed explanations for all portions of the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) and project-based assessments for Microsoft Office products.Full Name, Email Address Addendum 10/20/2015ChildPlusHead Start professional management software; student information systemFull Name, Student ID Number, Address, Phone number(s), Gender, Grade Level, Date of Birth, Ethnicity, Language, Scores from State Assessments, School Enrollment, Class Schedule, Special Education Information, Attendance, Discipline Information, Grades, Email Address, Medical Information, Lunch Status, Social Security Number Addendum 8/7/2015Classwork CO (DBA Classkick)Allow students to work on assignments at home.Full name, unique username or email address.Addendum 7/24/2019Classworks Curriculum Advantage, Inc. Curriculum Advantage provides CPSB with online grade level instruction.Full Name, Username, Password, Local Student Number, School Enrollment, Grade Level, Birth Date Privacy Agreement 1/1/2015Clever Provides data syncing services to several educational programs with ease. Currently using Clever to sync with myOn Reader. Full Name, Student ID, Gender, Grade Level, School, Class Schedule, Test Scores Addendum 3/2/2016Code Avengers

Beginnercoding platforms. Students will learn to write code.

Email, Password, Name, ClassAddendum 9/25/2017Cybereason Inc.,

Antivirus Software for CPSB computers

Student NameAddendum 5/20/22

Data to Information


Trend data for LEAP, ACT & Progress index

Staff usernameAddendum 7/1/22Data Recognition Corporation (TABE Online) (Alternative Programs)Students placed in alternative programs are assessed, with DRC assessments, on basic skills and readiness in order to diagnose and prescribe learning objectives.Full Name, DOB, Address, Phone Number Addendum 9/30/2015DBA The Learning Internet, Inc. Easy Tech Inquiry 21st Skills Assessment Equip students with critical skills including keyboarding, word processing, digital citizenship, and online safety, as well as media and information literacy skills. Full Name, ID, Class



DBQProjectFirst Name, School, Username, Password

Addendum Renewal

8/1/2019- 8/1/2020

Delta Education FOSSScience Investigations through hands on learning.Teacher Name, School/address, email, phone number, job function, subjects of interest.



DIBELS Data System University of OregonThe Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) are a set of procedures and measures for assessing the acquisition of early literacy skills.Full Name, ID, Secondary ID, DOB, Assesment Score

DIBELS Data Sharing Agreement


Digital PromiseCredentialing with Educators' RisingFirst name, last name, and email address



Digital Signage System


Communication with school stakeholders & visitorsAll student PII



Discovery Education, Inc.



DocuSignDigital signatures on documentsAny Student data



Dorian Business Systems (Charms Office Assistant)

(Sulphur High School)

Charms Office Assistant is a web-based management, organization, and communication service for band.Full Name, Address, Phone, Email Address, Age, DOB, Student ID Number, Height (Uniform Measurements), Class Name Addendum 8/21/2015Droplet Solutions, Inc.Digitally deploy forms and maintain a record of workflowStudent's full name & emailAddendum 5/12/22e3 Med-Acoustics Verifit: AudioscanVerifit's Audioscan is a hearing instrument fitting system, which is utilized to assess the functionality of students' personal amplification devices.Full Name, Student ID, 504 Status, SPED Records, Enrollment Addendum 9/16/2015Edge Factor, IncCareer Exploration videosStudent emailAddendum 12/2/2021Education Galaxy

(Vinton Elementary School)

Education Galaxy provides online assessments and lessons for math and ELA.Full Name, Student Grade Level Addendum 1/4/2016Educators' RisingA class for aspiring educators.Full name, mailing address, gender, race/ethnicity, email address, school name/state/city, year of graduationAddendum 8/1/2019EDgear - JCampusEDgear provides the student information management system for the district.Full Name, Student ID Number, Address, Phone number(s), Gender, Grade Level, Date of Birth, Ethnicity, Language, Scores from State Assessments, School Enrollment, Class Schedule, Special Education Information, Attendance, Discipline Information, Grades, Email Address, Medical Information, Lunch Status, Social Security Number Addendum Addendum 7/1/2017Edgenuity Inc.Virtual online learningFull name, Student ID, Grade level, gender, DOB, ethnicity, address, phone number, test scores, lunch status.Addendum 9/25/2019 EdhesiveComputer Language Software.Student First Name and Last three initials, Teacher Name, Teacher email.Addendum 12/11/2017Edmentum (Plato) Edmentum, Inc. is a leading provider of online learning programs designed to drive student achievement for academic and career success. Edmentum offers a wide variety of innovative learning programs to empower 21st century teaching and learning. Students use the programs to obtain course credits online. Required: First and Last Name, Grade Level, Local Student Number Optional: Middle Name, Email Address Privacy Agreement 7/14/2015

Edmentum, Inc.

(Study Island for Title I schools)

(Reading Eggs for Kaufman Elementary)

Edmentum, Inc. is a leading provider of online learning programs designed to drive student achievement for academic and career success. Edmentum offers a wide variety of innovative learning programs to empower 21st century teaching and learning.Full Name, Grade Level, Student ID Number, School, Email Address Addendum 8/14/2015



To assess 7th grade students' math ability and preparedness for taking Alg I in the 8th grade.Student full name, ID, grade, & email.Addendum 5/1/2023EducAide Software (Problem Attic)Test prep database for high school instructionFull Name



Educational Leadership Solutions, Inc. Educational Material SpecialistsEducational Leadership Solutions, Inc. collects district test data and schedule information necessary for schools to analyze their student and teacher performance on criterion and norm referenced tests. District test and schedule data is transformed into an easy to analyze format for the sole purpose of test data analysis by district employees.Full Name, Student ID Number, Test Scores, School Enrollment, Class Schedule Addendum Privacy Agreement 8/14/2015Eduspire Solutions LLCSoftware that monitors and manages students movements outside of classroom.First & Last Name, ID, email address, grad year & photo.Addendum 3/29/2022EIS- Electronic Information Systems, LLCTo provide services for Medicaid eligible disabled children and youth.SASID, SSN, First and Last name, DOB, Gender, School, Grade, Teacher, Parent/Guardian Name, Phone NumberAddendum 2/4/2020Electude USA LLC



Name, emailAddendum 7/18/22ELSAssist teachers in scoring, acessing, & providing individual revision plans.Student First & last name, Student ID.Addendum 8/23/2021Empirical Resolution Inc. Quill.orgLiteracy activities to improve reading comprehension, language, and writing skills.Student name, email, username, passwordAddendum 5/26/2023Explore Learning, LLC.Explore Learning offers a catalog of modular, interactive simulations in math and science for teachers and students in grades 6-12.Student ID, Email, Class Grades Addendum 9/16/2015

Explore Learning, LLC

(Reflex Math)

Used for grades 2-5 for RTI and after school tutoringStudent first and last name, gender, ethnicity, race, language, and grade levelAddendum 12/4/2019

Everfi, Inc.

Online resources & lessons for Financial Literarcy in High SchoolFirst & last name, email address, login detailsAddendum 10/26/2022

Firefly - Smart Choice Technology

Early Childhood Department

Program for Early Childhood Coordinated Enrollment.Student Name, DOB, Student Address, Guardian Names and Contact InformationAddendum 11/6/2017


Allows students to record and upload videos.Student name, email, photo, and video.Addendum 11/13/2020Flocabulary (LaGrange High School, LeBlanc Middle School, Ralph Wilson Elementary School)Flocabulary creates educational hip hop songs, videos and additional materials for students in grades K-12.Full Name Addendum 9/21/2015

Front Row Education

(Kaufman Elementary)

Front Row improves reading, math, science and social studies skills.Student First and Last Name, Student GradeAddendum 2/22/2018

Gallopade International, Inc.

Digital materials adn assessments that correlates with Social Studies curriculum.Full Name & GradeAddendum 6/4/21


A supplement to the Spanish Immersion & Spanish Second Language curriculum.Student name, email address, DOBAddendum 5/2/2023

Gimkit, Inc.

Online software for student assessment & learningAll student information except pictures/audio/video.Addendum 8/30/2022

Global Grid for Learning

Addendum 9/9/21GMetrix, LLC. (Certiport)
Certiport offers online access to practices tests for Microsoft certification testingFull Name, Email Addendum 10/10/2015Go FormativeTo use formative data in the classroom.Student emailAddendum 6/17/2021GoReactVideo feedback and skills assessment tool to evaluate CPSB educational interpretersFirst and last name, email, associated instructor scores, and comments on recorded or uploaded videos.Addendum 8/8/2019Gradient Cyber, Inc.Security Software used by the Tech Dept.Student Name and SchoolAddendum 4/7/2020Growing Leaders, IncSocial and emotional learning program for use schoolwide to supplement PBISFull name, email, and school nameAddendum 9/3/2019Hanover Research CouncilData Usage to support accountability.Student Full Name, Grade, School.Addendum 10/4/2022

Hatch Early Learning (We Play Smart)

JJ Johnson

Active learning center to enhance the social and emotional development, and to encourage cooperative learning.Student and Teacher names and photosAddendum 11/6/2017

Hatch, Inc.

Progress monitoring and gathering assessment dataStudent's First and Last name, DOB, Language, Gender, Race Ethnicity, and photoAddendum 7/1/2020Heartland Payment Systems: My School BucksHeartland Payment Systems is responsible for and will settle funds with CPSB; provide the following payment processing solutions to CPSB: web payment solutions, cashiering payment solutions, or IVR payment solutions.Full Name, School Enrollment, Lunch Balance Contract 10/21/2014

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: CPSB Data Warehouse

To provide CPSB with the web hosting service for digital products - Qlikview Analytics (Data Warehouse).

Full Name, Student ID Number, Address, Phone number(s), Gender, Grade Level, Date of Birth, Ethnicity, Language, Scores from State Assessments, Scores from Assessment applications, Grades, School Enrollment, Class Schedule, Americans with Disabilities, At-Risk Students, Bilingual Education, English as a Second Language (ESL), Gifted/Talented, Learning Disabled, Limited English Proficiency (LEP), Migrant Status, Special Education Information, 504 Status, Attendance, Discipline Information


Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: Think CentralHMH's Think Central is an online learning and assessment tool used in conjunction with Elementary and Middle HMH textbooks.Full Name,Grade,Student ID,Gender,Ethnicity,Special Services,Special Conditions
English Proficiency,Economic Status,Email,Classroom Name,Class Grade



iCEV MultimediaOnline curriculum and testing for CTEStudent Name




Calcasieu Parish DA

DA Leadership Program

Student's First and Last name,

Phone number



Incident IQ, LLC

Tech Department help desk

student's username



Insights to Behavior

Used to develop FBAs and Student Intervention Plans

Student Name, ID, DOB



iSTEEPiSTEEP is used as a common benchmarking and progress monitoring system for students in grades 4-12 in schools participating in Louisiana's Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy.Student Name, Student ID, Teacher Name, Secure ID, Class Name, Grade, NCLB Subgroup information (optional) Addendum Data Sharing Agreement 10/17/2016

Instructure, Inc.


Integrated Learning Management SystemStudent name, email, & classes.Addendum 7/2/2021iReady - Curriculum AssociatesiReady is and online tool used to pinpoint students needs and monitor progress in Reading and MathematicsFull Name, Grade Level, Student ID Number, Date of Birth, Class/Teacher Name



IXL Learning

(R. D. Molo Middle School, Cypress Cove Elementary School, F.K. White Middle School, Combre-Fondel Elementary School, LeBlanc Middle School, Barbe Elementary School)IXL Learning offers comprehensive coverage of K-12 math and language arts curricula through an online platform.Real-time assessment tools and more than 35 reports make it easy for teachers and parents to analyze student performance.Full Name, Grade Level, Email Address, Student ID Number Addendum 8/14/2015

John Maxwell Team & People Keys

Maxwell interest inventory used by high school studentsFirst name, last name, and email addressAddendum 11/07/2019

Kickboard Behavior Management System

(R.D. Molo Middle School)

Software used to analyze behavior data and reward incentives.

Student Full Name and grade

Staff Full Name and email

Addendum 12/1/2018

Knowledge Matters - Virtual Business

(Sam Houston High School)

Software used to supplement Accounting InstructionName and email addressAddendum 9/25/2017

Labster Inc.

Offers virtual lab simulations for high school students.Student's full name and email.Addendum 5/26/2021

Language Tree Online

English Language development curriculum for High School ESLStudent's first & last nameAddendum

LanguaMetrics Inc.

Fluency Program for K-2 to strengthen students reading skillsStudents first name or initial, last name, and classAddendum 4/22/21

Learning A-Z

(Special Services) produces online teaching materials for the elementary classroom.Student Full Name Addendum 1/20/2016

Learning Ally

Addresses the needs of of students who exhibit reading dysfluencies.Student's first & last name, ID, schoolAddendum 9/28/2021

LearnZillion Inc.

Teachers and students will log in to access Guidebook lessons and assessments.Student's full name, grade, email, and other informationAddendum 4/15/2019

Legends of Learning, Inc.

Supplemental online curriculum that provides additional data to teachers and parents.First Name, last initial, grade levelAddendum

Lifetouch National School Studios Inc.

Yearbook and school picturesFull name, grade, school, address, homeroom, and SIDNOAddendum 7/1/2019

Lightspeed Solutions, LLC dba Lightspeed Systems

Teachers can keep students logged in, participating, and focused whether in-person or at a distance.Student emailAddendum 3/9/2021

Little Mouse Productions

Web portal systemName & emailAddendum 4/18/2023

Louisiana Consortium of Immersion Schools

Used for the DELF French Immersion TestStudent's name, DOB, place of Birth, School, & Teacher's name





Louisiana High School Athletic Association The LHSAA is the governing body for high school sports in the State of Louisiana. It oversees all eligibility, team and competition rules and regulations regarding high school sports. The information is used to review each athlete's eligibility status. Full Name, Date of Birth, Address, Grade Level, Last 4 Digits of Social Security Number, Medical History Addendum 7/30/2015Louisiana Immunization Network for Kids Statewide (LINKS)Louisiana's statewide system designed to track children's immunization records.Full Name, DOB, Gender, Mother's Maiden Name and/or Guardian's First Name, Address, Phone Number, Financial Eligibility Status, Child's Shot Record

Confidentiality Policy

Parent Brochure LJ Create (Class Act) (F.K. White Middle School)LJ Create's Class Act software provides instruction materials and resources for advanced technology studiesFull Name Addendum 10/11/2015Louisiana Rehabilitation ServicesLRS provides consultation and assistance in identifying appropriate students who may be eligible for vocational rehabilitation services.First and Last Name, DOB, Grade, School,Special Education Information,Scores from State Assessments,Student ID Number, Gender, Ethnicity Addendum 12/4/2015Mackin-Via eBooksMackin-Via provides student access to eBooks.First Name, Student ID Number, Email (optional) Addendum 8/24/2015 Mastery Prep ACT MasteryACT Mastery provides student ACT preparation services.First and Last Name, Student ID Number, Grade Level, School Enrollment Addendum 8/5/2015 McGraw-Hill Education (Connect: Middle School Math and Middle School Social Studies)

McGraw-Hill Connect is an online learning assignment and assessment tool.

Middle school students use the service in connection with the adopted math curriculum.

Full Name, Grade, Gender, Student ID Number, School Name, Class Name Addendum 9/19/2017

Motivating Systems LLC

PBIS Rewards

(Molo Middle)

Motivating Systems is a software system that analyze behavior data and reward incentivesFull Name, Grade, Student ID, Gender and CoursesAddendum 12/11/2018myON ReadermyON provides anytime, anywhere access to a library of more than 7,000 enhanced digital books with multimedia supports, real-time reporting and assessments and embedded close reading tools.Full Name, Student ID Number, Gender, Grade Level, School Enrollment, Class Schedule, Test Scores Privacy Agreement MakeMusic, Inc.CPSB Band and Choral Music Directors will utilize SmartMusic to enhance their music curriculums, both in the classroom and virtually.First & last name, username, email, country, time zone, age.Addendum 8/18/2020

MIND Research Institute

ST Math

Supplement to Math instruction supporting problem-solving and thinking skills.Student DOB, School, Grade, Schedule, ID numbersAddendum

Navigate 360, LLC

Suite 360

Virtual social-emotional learning for studentsFirst & Last name, ID, Grade, School, ClassesAddendum 6/22/2021Nepris, Inc.Connect educators and learners with a network of industry professionals-virtually.First & last name, email, birthdate, Grade, District, School, Teacher & classAddendum 2/12/2021

Neuron Fuel Inc.

DBA Tynker

Program for students to learn to code while also developing problem solving and critical thinking skills.Teacher's name and email, school site, Student's name and email, gradeAddendum 5/13/2020


Used in English RTI for mini lessons on targeted writing skillsStudent's name and emailAddendum 3/30/2023

Notable Inc.

DBA Kami

Canvas add on to allow virtual students to annotate, submit, review/respond to feedback from teachers, etc.User name, school, email addressAddendum 9/9/2022

Nutri-Link Technology, Inc.

(Curb Smart)

CurbSmart after School student release systemStudent SIS #, Student Name, DOB, Grade, Classroom, Contact number, Parent name, Address, parent email, bus numberAddendum 8/13/2020Odysseyware

Virtual Program.

Provides online learning for high school courses and programs.

First and Last Name, Student ID Number, Teacher, Username and PasswordAddendum 8/18/2017

PC Innovations - Tardy Calculator

PC Innovations and Tardy Calculator provides technological tools required to incorporate a school-based comprehensive prevention and intervention program that targets students who have a tendency for reporting late to their classes and/or committing other infractions.First and Last Name, Student ID Number, Grade Level, School Enrollment Addendum 7/25/2016

Pear Deck, Inc.

Interactive presentation tool to engage students with high quality curriculum.Student's emailAddendum 8/11/2020Pearson

realize: High School Math

Inspire Literacy, iLit

Pearson realize is online digital content offeringhigh-quality, interactive instructional content aligned to standards and online assessments. High school students use the service in connection with the adopted math curriculum.

Pearson iLit is a digital literacy solution providing standards-based literacy lessons and assessments. Title I schools utilize the service as a literacy intervention tool.First and Last Name, Student ID Number Optional: Middle Name, Email, Gender, DOB


Addendum (iLit) 8/18/2015Pearson


(Alternative Programs)Successmaker is a web-based software for Reading and Math intervention that adapts to each learners needs.Full Name Addendum 7/30/2015Penn Foster, Inc.Penn Foster is used for Customer Service credential vouchers and exams.Full name, address, phone number, military status, DOB, email, and ethnicity.Addendum 12/6/2019Penny HaxthausenCounseling ServicesStudent NameAddendum 1/28/22Presence LearningCPSB Speech Therapist will use this to provide virtual speech therapy services for students.Video and audio of studentsAddendum 8/20/2020

Press4Kids Inc.


To provide immersion teachers & students with access to articles in French & Spanish.Student grade and classAddendum 3/30/2023Project Lead the Way, Inc.Project Lead the Way is interactive STEM teaching and learning to promote innovation, critical thinking,and early engineering practices.Full Name, Gender, Grade, Teacher, Course, State, State Id, Race, Ethnicity, and 504/TEP Accommodations.Addendum 03/11/2019QuarverEd, Inc.Lessons for Music InstructionStudent name, grade, emailAddendum 10/19/2020Read Naturally (Read Live for Middle Schools)Read LIve is an educational program provided by Read Naturally, INC. that consists
Student Privacy Act 677 - Calcasieu Parish School Board (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

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Job: Senior Farming Developer

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.