Interactive map for conan exiles (2024)

Interactive map for conan exiles (1) Interactive map for conan exiles (2)

You will get your first taste of hostile enemies and the ever-present threat of the sandstorm.You may even build your base in a location that spawns the purge, though a portion of the southern river is exempt from purge spawns. Welcome to Noob River! Much of your early game will be spent on the safety of its shores. Important Locations to Note: Hanumans Grotto, Cavern of Fiends, Gallaman’s Tomb.Common items: stone, wood, yellow lotus flower, water.Common enemies: imps, alligators, shalebacks, hyenas, tier 1 NPCs.The Southern River (Noob River) Image from Fandom Beware, this next zone has hostile creatures. To escape the broken highway, follow it east and north until you can see greenery. These will be your very first ingredients. There are branches, stones, and plants to collect fo fiber. There are no hostile NPCs or hazardous temperatures.

Interactive map for conan exiles (3)

The Broken Highway is the only place on the map that is not dangerous, even though it may not appear that way at first. The first Giant-King Lorestone is also located in this area. There are six different spawn locations along the highway, and each has a waterskin to help players survive until they find the southern river. The Broken Highway is a long stretch of rubble where every new character must start their journey in the Exiled Lands. Important Locations to Note: Giant-King Lorestone.Exploring is one of the fastest ways to level in the game, even if you don’t make it back with much at all. We had discovered what PvP players had already known. At first, this was pretty disappointing, but then we noticed our level/experience bars. When we finally crawled back to our base camp, we had lost everything we had taken with us or had gathered along the way. We accidentally triggered the witch queen and could not escape, we fell into lava flows at the volcano and screamed to death, and we froze to death rather quickly in the Frozen North. We were both at a low level with hardly any gear, and it went about as terribly as you can imagine. When the new zones were added, I set out with a close friend to explore the whole thing. The game was difficult and crowded on a PvP server, and it was barely all I could do to have a little hut, some leather armor, and an iron sword. While I originally played Conan before the Exiled Lands were complete, I never really got around to exploring the whole map. My Experience With Locations in Conan Exiles The biomes in this article are listed in order of relative difficulty, though you will find high-level content in each. The locations of interest are varied and can include great farming zones, dungeons, towns, and lore nodes.Īdditionally, the locations of interest, especially the dungeons, can be far more difficult than their surrounding biome.

Interactive map for conan exiles (4)

Within these biomes are locations of interest, and there is nothing stopping you from sprinting directly to them, even in the early game. The biomes get progressively more difficult as you head deeper into the map, though not as uniformly as some games. Each biome contains several locations, and each location gives experience when discovered. These biomes are not defined by Funcom, but the player base has named them so that they can be used to navigate the large map. While it was originally only the desert area and some dungeons, it now consists of ten distinguished biomes. The current Map of the Exiled Lands is rather large for a survival game. It’s good advice, but some of us would rather have a few extra corpse runs than follow it. When exploring a new location, the best course of action is a little research and a lot of caution. While you can always try to run back and retrieve your gear, there are some locations where this would be nearly impossible before it despawns. There are some biomes that are completely unhospitable and others where danger can be avoided. Knowing what’s out there will give you a leg up in this department and hopefully prevent you from entering a location that is too difficult for your level or equipment. A fully explored map is one of the most valuable assets your character can obtain. It’s not that it can’t be done it’s only that there’s a significant chance you’ll lose a limb or two. Going into the Conan Exiles map blind is a bit like wandering into a minefield without a metal detector.

Interactive map for conan exiles (2024)
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