Combat is an essential part of keeping yourself alive in Grounded. This game sees you fight your way through hordes of insects and other enemies in your backyard. But that's only because you are no bigger than the size of an ant runt.
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If you want to make it back to an average-sized human, or just survive in general, you will need good weapons of varying types to stay alive in the wilderness outside the kitchen door. Grab your armor, and let's go over what tools will help keep your blood inside your body and not the mosquito's stomach.
10 Spicy Coaltana

Two-handed swords that rank in the Tier 3 category are a popular choice. Damage hits for 4.5 and attacking at a 3.5 rate with no stun makes this seem interchangeable for the Antlion Greatsword. There is one specific reason it isn't the same, and this sword beats the Greatsword.
The Spicy Coaltana has a spicy augment built-in. No need to upgrade it to gain a spicy slasher weapon. It also has a unique characteristic seen only at night. It glows. Not the brightest source of light, but it is an infinite one.
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9 Fire Ant Club

A two-handed weapon that comes from the Tier 3 lineup is the Fire Ant Club. This red, grass-wrapped mallet is not something to overlook for a long-term go-to. It's made to wreck a few bug shells, and it does the job stunningly. It may take a few bites to get the resources needed to make it. That will make the smashing all the more satisfying afterward.
It comes in with a generic weapon type which means it doesn't deal any special damage like slashing or piercing. However, the 4.5 base damage with a 7.5 stun amount will help turn fights in favor of the character. It is slow with a 0.5 speed but time a good chain of stunning, and those first few enemies will be no problem. Crit Daze is this club's ability, and that means when a critical hit lands enemies will attack at a slower rate.
8 Spicy Staff

Magic has made its way into the backyard survival quest. Sending off sparks of spicy damage is this red staff. It's made from Hot Chachas found in the yard and is made for ranged combat like any good wizard staff.
Bringing a 4.5 base attack with an accompanying 7 attack speed makes this weapon one many will have their eyes on. Unlike its fellow staves, though, the Spicy staff has no stun upon release. Still, it makes up for it by having an amazing aesthetic for those that choose to wield it.
7 Mint Staff

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Another round of magic is here, but this time blue in color. Looking ready to freeze you out, this staff inflicts Fresh upon opponents on its receiving end. They will also be hit for 4.5 damage and a quick draw with an attack speed of 7.
This blue beauty also boasts a stun over its spicy counterpart at 1.5. Those mages looking to get this pointy beacon of wonder will need to find Ice Caps candy throughout the backyard. Once harvested, players can enjoy a new title as a wizard.
6 Scythe of the Blossoming Assassin

If you're bored and don't mind having your head bitten off, try beating the Mantis Boss to acquire the materials to craft this two-handed weapon. It does unique damage similar to chopping in the form of a hacking attack. Should a player survive the Mantis, this weapon will be a testament to how deadly they are.
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The scythe doesn't hit as hard as other choices with only starting damage at 4 points. Its stun sits at 0.5 and the 7 it has for attack speed is met by many other weapons. Slicing through to make its mark is this weapon's special ability. Crit Hit Damage. This increases the damage multiplier of critical hits and can be paired with critical bonuses from armor. It quickly becomes a hard hitter.
5 Sour Staff

Back for more spell-casting is the Sour Staff. Ready to take on the world, this green topped weapon is made from the sour candy - Wormholes. Inflicting that sour damage on its enemies, this glowing green staff is not to be overlooked.
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You'll find it has the standard staff damage of 4.5 and the basic attack speed of 7. What puts this staff at the front of the line is the stunning level. Ten. 10. X. How many other ways are there to say the beginning staff with no upgrades is at the max stun capability? Grab this if you're looking to keep bugs in line as you tear them down.
4 Sour Battle-axe

More sour candy is needed for this battle-ax. A two-handed insect-opener looks like a sharp piece of candy that would cut the insides of your mouth. Not sure why you'd want to take a bite of outdoor ground candy, but while trying to survive against car-sized opponents, it might be necessary.
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It will deal out sour damage as it cuts whatever is in front of it down to size. Helping to achieve this goal is its ability to hit for 5 damage with a 3.5 stun and attack speed at first construction. Not bad for something that would probably not even go through a rubber-soled shoe.
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3 Mint Mace

This generic type weapon is a late-game club build. It requires a lot of adventuring to unlock the recipe, but with a built-in fresh augment, it can be worth the effort. It hits all foes evenly which can be helpful for inventory management when you need a well-rounded weapon.
Like all clubs, it is slow with a 0.5 attack speed. Making up for that is its 5.5 points of damage, and it's 6 on the stunning scale. Not a weapon to be overlooked if a player is hunting for an all-around hitter.
2 Black Ox Crossbow

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Aim down sights with this Tier 3 two-handed weapon. The Black Ox Crossbow is slower to draw than the other bows with a speed of 0.5, but it has the highest damage rating at 6 of any ranged weapon. It only has a 1.5 stun hit but inflicts stabbing on foes.
It's best paired with Tier 3 arrows. Splinter Arrows are easy to amass once the recipe is unlocked, and hit the hardest of any basic arrow. Super Gas Arrows revert into Splinter Arrows when shot. They also have a gas cloud that helps take enemies down.
1 Club of the Mother Demon

Slow 0.5 speed? Check. Generic weapon type dealing no special damage? Check. Looks like a normal spike club while hitting for at a 6 both in damage and stun. Check. You would never think looking at this weapon that it was the strongest hitter in Grounded.
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A Tier 3 weapon, the Club of the Mother Demon is ready to knock enemies into submission. It's not an easy task to gain this high-damage dealer. Players must face off against the Broodmother to gain this two-handed club, and she isn't going to go down peacefully.
Next:Grounded: Hardest Enemy Bugs, Ranked